Human Design: Start Here.

What is Human Design?

Honestly, it’s a lot. You can do a quick google search and pull up six million different entries on what it is and where it came from. Which is awesome, because not so long ago, trying to find anything about this system was a struggle, and when you did manage to stumble across something, it was often heavy, dark and dense. These days, you can pull up the most intricate detail of your chart and find endless perspectives on it, in every form. It’s not everyones opinion, but I believe this is overwhelmingly a good thing.

But there is a downside.

Human Design was never reeeeeallllly meant to be an information gathering process. It was meant to be an experiment. A lived experience. It’s like a lot of modalities. We were meant to uncover it step by step, slowly over time, but as Human People who have spent the last era in the information age, obsessed with the accumulation of more, as fast as possible. What we may often find ourselves doing is bingeing hard on human design information, and left feeling kinda bloated, heavy and overwhelmed, with no idea how to actually implement this stuff.

This is where support is gold.

We do this in a couple of ways in the land of The Daily Rest:

  1. In a monthly Human Design sharing circle & Q+A class within The Daily Rest Studio.

    I’m a huge believer in conversational, story-based learning over textbook style studying (and this is coming from a certified nerd who used to hang almost all her worth on academic prowess). This is exactly what we do in the studio every month. These circles include human design teachings, QnA, personal shares, and community support. It’s always magic.

  2. Via 1:1 sessions for personal, or business life.

    In these sessions we take a theme or focus and work together on the tools, process, and steps for transforming and alchemising this area of your life through the experiment of human design. Creating change, self-trust, and a visceral understanding of the system in the process.

The other way I suggest?

Find a friend or two who know about Human Design and create your own support group. When self doubt or fear arises, talk it out with someone who can hold space without judgement or advice giving, and gets the general vibe of the language / won’t deter you from giving this a solid shot by laughing / telling you you’re insane.

But what actually is it?

I tend to think of human design as astrology, made practical. I love astrology. I’m a pisces, I’m a poet, I love myths and stories and planets. But what I love about human design is that I can apply it, very practically to my life. I’m an experiential being. I learn all my lessons the hard way. I’ve been told it’s so I can teach from them. But maybe it’s just that I like getting my hands in the mud. 🙂

When Human Design found me, I was already years deep in Yoga, meditation, self-development and healing. I was self employed and loved my work but I was tired. I was working a lot and felt as though I never had enough time or space. I was employing a lot of popular business strategies and techniques in an attempt to create an income that would give me enough money to buy the food and clothes I like, as well as the time and space to be creative, read books, and do all my favourite practices.

Simple pleasures for sure.

When I found out I was a Generator, with a sacral authority and 5/1 profile, I immediately called upon my business as a testing ground. There has been nothing more impactful for the growth and success of my business, and my happiness and health while tending to it, than this.

*Something I have personally found, extremely powerful about Human Design is that

How does this all tie in with Rest?

It is my belief that learning to live your design and deep nervous system support and strength go hand in hand. The quickest way to disconnect from our intuition and inner authority is to be in fight or flight. As many of you may have already experienced, living in tune with your design can be triggering and challenging — particularly if it is different to how you’ve done things before and the people in your life aren’t as HD obsessed as you are (aka they’re normal people). Living as yourself takes courage and strength. When you support your nervous system, watch how things really start to shift.

Where to go from here?

First, pull up your chart. I recommend Jovian Archive or Maia Mechanics.

(You’ll need your birth time as accurate as possible. You might have to call your Mum / Dad / caregivers / the hospital you were born, to find that out).

Then scroll through the categories below and find your Aura Type. Your Aura Type also carries your personal strategy. Living by your strategy and authority is the foundation of your human design experiment. I’ll be sharing more about authority soon.

Next, you can also grab the charts of your partner, kids, besties, dog, parents, business partner and everyone you know. Prepare to have your mind blown 🤠

The Aura Types


The New Paradigm Leaders, The One who Sees, The People who show us New Ways.

Strategy — To Wait for the Invitation

Projectors have an exclusive aura that penetrates into the other. When living their design, their Aura flashes like a neon sign and draws all that is meant for them in their direction. In love, work, living situations, and sharing their gifts, the easiest way to make progress is to Wait For The Invitation.

When Projectors recognise and see themselves — with no guilt or shame for being different — their Aura projects out into the universe ‘I KNOW, JUST ASK ME’. The more you see yourself exactly as you are, the more opportunities come your way.

The Projector’s Not Self is — Bitterness, seeking validation, not trusting they will be invited, not waiting for the right moment to speak, caring too deeply about the opinions of others, trying to convince those who are not listening, not knowing when to stop working or doing, always needing to be right, exhaustion.

Projectors are naturally skilled in attracting huge manifestations, even if the waiting period feels a little long at times. It goes without saying, but if you want that shiny magnetic aura — don’t forget to rest. When a Projector is contained and content within themselves, there is no stopping the invitations and manifestations pouring in.

Interviews with Projectors: Jules Ferrari

Read more about Projectors & Rest.


The Pure Doers. The Movers and Shakers. The Initiators. The Disruptors.

Strategy — To Inform

Manifestors have a closed aura and can be difficult to read. Many people make up their mind about Manifestors before getting to know them. The path of least resistance for a Manifestor is to Inform. You manifest and create life through your word. Informing is not asking for permission. Informing is letting those around you know your plans, your ideas, and your next moves.

The aligned Manifestor is — feeling at peace, noticing their impact on the world around them, enjoying moments of rest and solitude, surrounded by people who appreciate and encourage their words and actions, feeling free and becoming comfortable with informing. Regardless of gender, taking on the initiating role in work and relationships. Supported in breaking free of any norms and traditions.

The Manifestor’s Not Self is — Anger, not speaking truthfully, the ‘silent treatment’, becoming passive, waiting for the other person to start the conversation, feeling trapped, being afraid to initiate.

Manifestors are the only type who can truly command their manifestations toward them. The Manifestor Aura is already big, bright and shiny. You’re the only souls who aren’t waiting for the universe to give you signs and move in your direction, it is up to you to INFORM the universe of what it is you want. Yes you can write a list, but also tell a trusted friend. Speaking what you want out loud is essential, even if you’re worried about what people might think. In short, you decide if you’re manifesting or not. So what’s it going to be?

Interviews with Manifestors: Shirley Cai, Poppy Delilah

Read more about Manifestors & Rest.


The Life Force. The Uplifter. The One who turns the lights on for the rest of the world. The steady and sensual Worker, Maker, Creator.

Strategy — To Wait To Respond

Generators have an open and enveloping aura. When they learn how to say yes only to what lights them up, they light up everyone around them too. We could also describe this as: Generators draw life toward them, and are the most successful and satisfied when following their excitement and joy.

The aligned Generator feels — Satisfied, lit up, trusting of the universe, lead by the sacral, permission to answer Yes or No without having to explain why, permission to live life in a way that feels truly magical, supported in only doing what you LOVE, surrounded by people who know how to ask the right questions.

The Generator’s Not Self is — Frustration, feeling overwhelmed and without space, feeling rushed, people pleasing, inability to say no, fear of failing, fear of letting go of control, fear there will be nothing to do or respond to.

Plain and simple. Do what you love. When you do what you love, your sacral overflows with juicy, bright, contagious energy and people cannot help but want a piece of it. Everyone wants you on their team when you are lit up.

Interviews with Generators: Sasha Emoniee

Read more about Generators & Rest.

Manifesting Generator

The Multi-Passionate. The non-linear being. The square peg in a round hole.

Strategy — To Wait To Respond

Manifesting Generators can take all the advice for Generators too, as they share the same aura type and strategy, while also carrying a dash of Manifestor superpowers.

Like Generators, Manifesting Generators have an open and enveloping aura and are Responders, but their Response requires them to dip a toe in / move toward their decisions first to truly know if it is right for them.

The aligned Manifesting Generator feels — the freedom to change course without knowing exactly why, permission to dip a toe in before committing, no guilt around being non-linear or non-traditional.

The Manifesting Generator’s Not Self is — Frustration, feeling stagnant or stuck, inability to say no, forcing yourself to be linear, forcing yourself to stick to something you’re no longer interested in.

Let go of any guilt around chopping and changing direction. You are not flakey — you’re simply here to create your own flavour by having a small taste of many other possibilities. Remember you are a non-linear being by nature, so when you allow yourself to be this way, you create an aligned life with ease.

Interviews with Manifesting Generators: Amanda Norgaard, Lisa O’Conner

Read more about MGS & Rest.


The Person at the Centre of the Tribe. The Illuminator. The everyday Sage.

Strategy — To Wait a Luna Cycle

Reflectors have a sampling aura. They are the most successful when they never rush a decision. Ideally Reflectors will wait an entire luna cycle before making a big decision about work, relationships or moving.

The aligned Reflector is — Never rushed in decision making, surrounded by people (especially children) who can feel the joy and wonder of life. Healthy balance between work and rest, extroversion and introversion. Placed at the centre of the community, family or workplace. Permission to embrace being a free, unique spirit. Permission to learn in a non-traditional way without any expectations.

Reflectors Not Self — Disappointment, feeling invisible, being stuck in the wrong environment, fear of your own open-ness.

Your aura is strengthened when you are steady enough on your own two feet not to rush, and you have surrounded yourself with people who feel good, uplifting, and prosperous (whatever that means to you!). More than anyone, your home or room is your vision board. When your space and your people feel good, the universe will keep bringing you more and more.

Read more about Reflectors and Rest.


Notes on December


Notes on Self Worth