Intuitive Business with Lisa O’Conner of A Radiant Life

I’m so thrilled to introduce Lisa for our next Intuitive business series. A luminous soul and beautiful embodiment of non-linear business, trusting the deep pull of the sacral and resisting the narrative that success comes overnight or easily. I adore Lisa’s words and strong visual sense, but I’m truly inspired by the way she holds, redirects and speaks openly about her business in this overly homogenous world. To me, she is also a cheerleader and advocate for the bees and I can’t scroll past a bee photo on my feed without thinking of her! I hope you enjoy her words. xo

Human Design Aura Type / Profile and Authority 

Manifesting Generator - 4/6 - Sacral 

How has Human Design (if at all!) influenced or changed the way you work within your business? 

It has changed things completely! I’m not going to lie when I first found out about Human Design which was around three or four years ago I had major projector envy. I wanted to be a projector so badly, as I felt like I was one to my core, from the small amount of information I knew back then. But when I had my first official reading back in 2019 and I learned about my design in a much deeper fashion, and of course I was a MG, it made the most sense, and helped my come to terms with my cornucopia of interests and passions. I am a very multi - hyphenate soul, and I used to be so confused by this, and felt a little shame and frustration around it. Why couldn’t I just pick one thing, or an area of expertise! I tried for a long time, but it never really fit. 

I love fashion, nutrition, healing, design, nature, the wellness world, beauty, lifestyle, multi - dimensional living, animals, spirituality, yoga, astrology, quantum physics, and somehow I weave it into everything I do. I’ve had so many creations that never made it off the ground, some releases which failed, and now continue to dream, create and envision many different offerings and portals which my Soul wants to carry through me. I’m now a proud MG, haha and can’t myself any other way. 


What is the biggest fear or limiting belief you’ve had to overcome in running and living with your business? 

That spiritual / conscious businesses can’t be prosperous, and that looking at your numbers as one of those businesses was “bad”. This honestly took me a while to unwind, overcome, and face. I kid you not when I first started my business back in 2014 I thought I had to be like Mother Theresa. It sounds so silly now, but I was fearful of people thinking that I was a “bad” person for charging money to help, because all I wanted to do was help people heal, feel better, and live the life of their dreams. I’ve always had a heart for helping people, and would do it for free, so when it came to charging, and owning my worth in my own business I had work to do. I’ve done a lot of work with this, but to be honest it still comes up when I am putting out a new offer or creation. While it is way, way less, and blows over quickly, it can still creep in, as putting yourself out there in capacity is vulnerable.


Is there any common business advice you’re grateful you didn’t take? 

To stay doing just one thing, and pick a focus and become specialized in it. I tried for so long to just be a “Holistic Nutritionist” or “Healing Practitioner” and stay in that lane, but my Soul wouldn’t let me. I started out in Fashion and Design before I studied Holistic Nutrition and Kundalini yoga, so that somehow always found its way back in. I decided to not listen to any external voices, even if it didn’t make sense right away, and do, post, create what felt aligned for and to me. I trusted that with passion, faith and alignment whatever was meant to be, would be. 


Have there been moments in which the people in your life didn’t encourage or trust what you were doing? How did you overcome that?

Never to my face, but I’m sure they had their opinions! Honestly, I’m sure family members and loved ones were often cautious or questioning my path, with deep concern as their foundation, but only because of their own beliefs and values. My Dad grew up on a Ukrainian farm with immigrant parents and twelve siblings, and all they had ever known was “you work hard, very hard, and you stay in one job for your whole life.”

That being said, my brother is a serial entrepreneur, so he kind of paved the way for me as a  “traditional entrepreneur”. While my path is way less linear, they ultimately trusted me, and at the cornerstone of anything they have ever thought or believed was shrouded in care, concern, and love. 


What is your favourite non-traditional business tool or practice? 

Kundalini, and mantras. When I started practicing Kundalini over three years ago, the teachings and kriyas connected to prosperity, and business blew me away. The whole “money is/as energy” had been a concept I had known for over a decade, but kundalini expanded ten fold on that, and actually got really practical with the tools, teachings and practices. It changed my life and business really, which is why I decided to start teaching it! When I first started practicing in 2018 I was like “why doesn’t everyone know about this?”. I fully understand that it’s not for everyone, and everyone has their personal opinions, but my oh my is it powerful for me. 


Have you ever changed course in your business? What did that feel like? How did you know something had to pivot or shift? 

Yes! This is actually very fresh in my mind, as I am in the process of what feels like a shift and pivot. In August of this year I stopped offering 1:1 Deep Intuitive Healing Sessions which I had been doing for over five years, and were the core of my business. While I 100% could have kept offering them, and expanding them, I intuitively knew it was time to let them go. When you operate a conscious business, and take away the main source of income it can bring up fear, and a lot of shadow. This is where and when running an intuitive business really comes alive! You can speak about intuition, and holding the space for it within your business, but taking action on it, when it doesn’t seem 100% logical is a whole other thing. I knew it was time to shift as I was getting too comfortable, and there were limits with strictly continuing 1:1 work as a practice. I knew to expand, challenge myself, and ultimately help more people, which is my one and main goal, I had to take this leap. 


What inspires your business and your life at the moment?

  • Mama Earth always and forever as my biggest inspiration and muse 

  • Seeing so many incredible Souls rise up, expand and share their gifts with the world (including You Emmie!) 

  • The Women in The Radiance Course, and everyone I get the honour to work and connect with

  • Love, by so many relationships and my life, but most notably my husband who is an actual light beam of a human and has encouraged me in every single thing and moment

  • Kind humans! Nothing expands my heart more than seeing kindness in the world. I believe it’s a superpower, and witnessing, sharing, and embodying it is what inspires me daily 


What does running an intuitive business look like for you in practice 

So many things, and I think it’s super nuanced as we are all so unique, but here are a few things to flow through:

  • Listening to the deeper messages that come through when I’m not thinking or working within my business / practice 

  • Blocking out, outside noise even if I love and respect the people sharing, I don’t have to agree or implement 

  • Committing to my Daily Practice (kundalini / meditation / walks in Nature) which keeps my grounded, open and connected to my intuition 

  • Not white knuckling anything or worrying about the outcomes of anything, I’ve gotten to a point now where I just fully trust, release, and go with the flow. It’s still very intentional, but it’s extremely fluid and intuitive. It’s not to say that fear doesn’t come up, because it does, it’s just protecting me / us, but I feel it and let it go  


Any words you wish to share with others on this path? 

Again so many things, but here are a few things I wish someone told me when I first started: 

  • Be kind and compassionate to Yourself. It’s too easy to be hard on Yourself, as so many of us have been conditioned to not believe in ourselves when it comes to fulfilling a dream 

  • Acknowledge how far you have come, to appreciate every single moment going forward

  • TRUST the whispers when it comes to shifting, pivoting, and creating 

  • I know it’s hard as our subconscious mind creeps in here, but try to not compare yourself, your creations and your work with anyone else's as we’ve heard it all before, but there truly only is ONE You. While we can be inspired by others, ultimately we are still creating from our truth and essence 

  • Creating space to listen, creating a business or anything for that matter requires time to just Be and integrate. I like to call those hours or even days “integration days”

  • Be patient!!! It takes time to grow, and expand into a business or creations. The social media landscape has warped our view of finished products and creations, when the BTS and years of failed attempts have never been documented. Patience will always lead to sustainability, more balance, and care in all areas of your life 

  • Have fun - if there is one staple or foundation that is strung throughout my path it’s to not take anything too seriously. Humour for me has always been a big part of my path, and when I met my husband eight years ago, he was the person in my life that really helped me embody this. We live on a blue dot that spins through the multi - verse and sometimes we just have to zoom out, get perspective, and realize that the problem or challenge we have, although still valid, doesn’t need to be so serious, catastrophic or fear inducing. We can face it with a little more humour and lightness, and it moves through us a lot quicker than anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s not about bypassing anything, it’s about inviting the emotion or energy in, along with the rest of it 



Beauty: Nature is my biggest “beauty product” including time in the sun, Living Libations rose oil, Marie veronique serum, rose or immortelle hydrosol, Wildling gua sha and infrared sauna

Drink: I’m quite ritualistic with my daily matcha. Iced Matcha with coconut mylk, and a little non-alcoholic vanilla essence (while maybe a little obsessive, the non-alcoholic is important, as it completely changes the taste / smoothness of the drink) 

Food: Homemade chicken bone broth soup, fresh salad, steamed in season greens and white jasmine rice 

Reading material: All my kundalini manuals, I Will Teach You to be Rich,  and Conversations with God - quite the mix! 

Listening: Mantras, Binaural beats and R & B 

Herb, plant or supplement you are working with: Nettle infusions forever, liposomal vitamin C, ashwagandha and milk thistle 

Scent: Sandalwood roll on by Nemat 

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The 2021 List


Intuitive Business with Poppy Delilah