Intuitive Business with Poppy Delilah

I’m so excited to introduce you to Poppy! I had the pleasure of getting to know Poppy over the last year or two as she participated in The Course 1 & 2. To me she is the perfect example of how powerful it is to allow your personal style and taste to infuse into the soul of your business. Poppy wears many hats (and sells really cute ones too!) in her work, and does it all with so much joy, colour and fun. I often say she is my ultimate influencer and I light up every time I see she has a new post, recipe, cat video or craft project to share. I just know you will love her too.

Human Design Aura Type, Profile and Authority:

Manifestor 2/4 with Ego Authority

How has Human Design influenced or changed the way you work within your business?

Human Design has had a huge impact in the way I work, the way I feel about myself & the way I live my life.

I always intuitively knew that I wasn’t cut out for working long days seeing hundreds of clients but I would often compare myself to other practitioners who were able to work this way (looking at you G’s & MGS!). I used to think that maybe there was something wrong with me & that there would be no way I could be as sucessful if I was unable to keep up with that much work.

Learning about being a non-sacral being & that I work best in short bursts really helped give me to let go of a lot of self judgement and the pressure I would put on myself to try and work like other people.

Living and learning about my design has given me the confidence & permission to do business and life my way. To integrate the spiritual & energetic with my style, my love of colour, art & fashion. I also feel that knowing I have a ‘repelling aura’ and that maybe I’m not meant to be for everyone I have started to let go of caring & worrying what everyone else thinks and embrace my role as a visionary.

Trusting my voice has been a journey and the more I lean into my defined throat & strategy of informing the more comfortable I feel in sharing my thoughts, ideas, manifestations & inspirations out loud - as weird and wild as I think they might be!

( & I also feel way less guilty now about talking a lot as I have learnt its a big part of my process hehe )

I have also really embraced my need for consistency & implementing a gentle morning routine has helped me so much with releasing pressure & stress and in creating space to receive creative ideas & clearly hear the voice of my intuition.

What is the biggest fear or limiting belief you’ve had to overcome in running and living with your business?

Imposter syndrome & so many fears! The fear of what other people will think & perceive, fear of being seen, fear of saying the wrong thing & being seen as a failure. (can you tell I have an undefined spleen?)

I have always known I wanted to have my own business, I used to re-plant plants from my garden in styrofoam cups to try and sell when I was in primary school, I would sew sparkly festival tops to sell and I used to create crystal necklaces - but all of these small businesses never really went anywhere because of my own limiting fears! ( & maybe because selling plants in styrofoam cups was a bit dodgy)

Receiving kinesiology personally & experimenting with living more in alignment with my design especially by feeling the fear & doing it anyway, have really helped me overcome these self imposed limitations & build the confidence to just do & be me while not caring about the perceptions of others.

Is there any common business advice you’re grateful you didn’t take?

It never felt right for me to separate my business from my self & personal life by creating a second business name & Instagram. My business is an extension of me and the way I work is of course completely influenced by who I am & what I love. My own unique expression of Kinesiology, The Spiral & the Human design guidance I now offer is filtered through my personality, my own profound healing experiences & my intuition.

I always wanted to bridge spirituality, self care & the deep work of de-conditioning with art, fashion, creativity & beauty. To show that there is more to life than just our job and show how colourful & fun life can be when we not only do the work on ourselves & live an intuitive life but also prioritise time and space for all the things we love.

We can often perceive that these things are not connected to our work or they don’t feel productive. But I believe that nourishing every part of ourselves, our life & our personality has such a positive impact on the work we can then offer the world.

Have there been moments in which the people in your life didn’t encourage or trust what you were doing? How did you overcome that?

I feel that I have always been met with encouragement ( well to my face haha!) But I definitely have noticed that I can often surprise or shock people with what I’m choosing to doing next (probably that ‘closed’ manifestor aura at play?) Now knowing I am a manifestor & looking back, I can see that no matter what someone else says or thinks I should or shouldn’t do, if its something I want to do I’ll pretend to listen and then go and do it myself regardless! #stubborn

So you better get on my bus or get left behind!

Do you have a structured way of working or do you free flow?

As a consistent being in my HD chart, a gentle structure is really necessary for me otherwise life, work & my intuition can be all over the place. I feel that this gentle structure holds space for me to be able to then free flow and go with the wind (& my urges).

As a manifestor I run off these ‘urges’, so I often find myself writing posts or organising my diary at the weirdest times but thats when it just flows out of me. If I try to force myself to sit down, be smart, creative or intuitive when the urge or inspiration isn’t there its impossible to get anything done! So I really try to follow & trust those moments now, dropping anything as soon as it feels forced and waiting for the urge to help things happen even quicker and organically in flow.

Sometimes I sit on an idea for ages and know that the timing just doesn’t feel right (or I get distracted into a million other directions & ideas) & I’m really starting to notice that if my ego & heart authority isn’t engaged in that idea in the moment I also have no fuel or drive to get it going.

I find that I need lots of space in between work to rest, play, be creative ( I always have a million craft DIY projects on the go) and prioritising the time for this is really important to me. I believe its what helps me to show up in sessions as my best self, nourished and filled up by my life and as a blank canvas ready for whatever my client needs support with in that moment

I’m also slowly starting to align more of my business & work days to the planetary energies of each day of the week inspired by taking your course - The Flow. I love the idea of working less & going slow on Mondays (moon-day) & I notice that I am always more energised to get shit done on a Tuesday! (mars-day)

What inspires your business and your life at the moment?

Oh gosh I feel like I’m never not inspired, I have a million and one ideas running through my mind at once! and all I need to do is scroll my Insta saved board to feel even more excited and full of ideas - the images & colours really speak to me.

Right now my life is feeling inspired by my blossoming garden where I can now pick my own veggies & flowers, going for morning beach walks & ocean swims, designing fun things with my partner for our lifestyle brand @fine.and.dandy., baking edible flower cakes, my many DIY projects ( I currently want to tile all of my furniture ) & I’m loving the art of Hilma af Klint & Alexander Girard as well as getting lost in the 1970’s photographs by Slim Aarons.

My business has definitely been very inspired by all the courses I have done of yours this year Emmie! I have loved every moment learning about Human Design and now if you have a Kinesiology or Spiral session with me there is not doubt I’ll find a way to bring HD up (a lot!).

What does running an intuitive business look like for you in practice?

Every day & week is a little different as I really like to mix things up, keep things exciting and have variety. Doing business this way really installs a feeling of freedom within my life which I’m so grateful for!

I am now back offering in person Kinesiology sessions at Orchard St in North Bondi which are some of my favourite days ( a chance to get dressed up in a cute outfit and nourish people IRL!)

I then have a mix of online sessions & now human design readings throughout the week. I prefer to not do more than 2-3 sessions a day ( that non sacral being life) and I love having full days off in-between work to potter around the house & garden and recharge.

Running an intuitive business looks like springing out of bed at random hours to quickly write down the idea or words that just popped to mind before I forget them.

It looks like studying five element philosophy & acupressure, human design, subconscious reprogramming and then leaving all the books & notes behind TRUSTING that I have everything I need within me when I show up for my clients.

It looks like taking many breaks away from working on the computer to spend time at the beach or do something creative, allowing the space for the best ideas, perfect lines and intuitive nudges to come through.

It looks like following my urges in each moment, especially if mentally they don’t feel related to work in anyway - it always supports my business somehow.

Any words of advice for others on this path?

Remain open to the advice of others but always listen to your own intuition ( & authority ) above all else! Trust the little whispers of your soul that are nudging you to do things your way. Jump off those big scary cliffs of putting yourself out there or trying something new. Pivoting & changing your mind is OK! Experiment until you find the thing that flows for you. & I’ll say it again - trust yourself & your intuition !


Beauty products or rituals:

Currently loving the Living libations Sea buckthorn best skin ever of course ! (IYKYK), rose water forever, the Mukti vitamin A, B & C serums & the Bali Balance SPF50+ sunblock we stock over at fine & dandy. Beauty rituals look like a Gua sha massage or using a facial acupressure point stimulator. I’m also loving massaging my face with an ice cube in the morning - so fresh! & I love consuming every powder & elixir from the beauty chef for inner beauty & gut health.


ok so yummy drinks are my jam! A spicy coconut margarita, fresh green juice or a fresh coconut. Morning lemon waters with schizandra & camu camu or a foamy mushroom spiked chai made in the Breville milk cafe! & a beauty chef mock-tail (basically all of their powders and elixirs mixed together at once - its a great concoction)


Any English historical romance ! - I have just started the Bridgerton series. I like to get lost in other worlds and older times. I’m also loving big beautiful coffee table books, (not really a read but still counts as a book!) I’m still soaking up one I bought at the Hilma af Klint exhibition and I have my eye on ‘The Pleasure of Leisure’ a collaboration between Hotel Magique and Sydney-based photographer Anna Pihan.


As we move into Spring I’m loving listening to lots of Dua Lipa, Jungle, Amber Mark and always lots of Curtis Mayfield and my partner Nick Hill. I’m currently searching for a new podcast to love!

Herb, plant or supplement you are working with:

I just started on the seed probiotic and loving it!

Ashwagandha for a restorative sleep.

Superfeast medicinal mushroom tablets for immune support.

Tremella for beautifying creamy drinks.

& Shizandra has become a non-negotiable for jing & radiance!

I’m also a big fan of the Orchard St plant tinctures - particularly the beauty, liver and dream drops.


Impossible to choose one! Growing up my mum was an Aromatherapist (amongst other things as a true MG) so I have always loved the synergy of a few plants & essential oils together such as cinnamon with orange for warmth or peppermint with lemon & germanium for something invigorating. I also still have a bottle of Vanilla oil my Mum bought in the late 90’s that I love to wear as a perfume for special occasions & each drop is so precious & luxurious.

I’m also obsessed with every perfume from the AYU ( currently loving ‘Sage’ and ‘Smoking Rose’

Ok and maybe a weird one.. but I love the smell of my cat Dandy (I swear she smells like ginger bread!)

Keep your eyes open for a Manifestor Circle with Poppy coming in DECEMBER (join the mailing list below for updates).

Follow Poppy on Instagram & her super cute store FINE & DANDY, too!


If you’re curious about creating your own gentle business roadmap, book your soft business session here.


Intuitive Business with Lisa O’Conner of A Radiant Life


Intuitive Business with Amanda Norgaard