On Living My Design…


I'm writing today from my loft bedroom with the electric blanket on. The balcony doors are open. I have incense burning downstairs, and music playing really low. In a moment I'll hit send, make a coffee  and take a kundalini class. Several times a day, like I did just now, I have to pause. I just stop and look around in disbelief. I am in the place of my dreams, and until I arrived here, I didn't even know this is what I had been dreaming of. It's not the first time the universe has surprised me like this, but it never gets old.  

I am deep in the experiment of living my Human Design, and have been for years. While I totally rejected this modality when I first came across it (it's weird, I don't get it, I hate being a generator etc), I'm so grateful I was able to soften enough to let it in, and even more so that I had to courage to start implementing it straight away. Because thats the thing. We can learn about the intricacies of our design, our astrology, our past lives, our shadows and limiting beliefs, but if we don't put this knowledge into practice, into the pursuit of living a life that feels GREAT to wake up to every morning, then what is the point of knowing it at all?

One thing I know for sure is being yourself takes an immense amount of courage and it is easy for very few.  The human design chart is the voice that shouts YOU GOT THIS BABE when all the other voices are telling you it's not possible, or keep you frozen in fear. Chances are you need that voice. Chances are it's HARD to trust your intuition. To do things differently. Chances are not everybody in your life gets it. 


This is why I created The Course. To teach in-depth about Human Design, not on pre-recorded videos, but to the people who are right in front of me, using real life examples, situations and scenarios. I believe it is the easiest, and most enjoyable way to develop an understanding not only of ourselves, but how the other people in our lives and the world around us are wired completely differently. In my opinion, being seen in a group of people who speak the same language and encourage you from a place of experience and understanding gives you superpowers. Anything is possible. This I know to be true.  


The Course is a two month intensive membership. It's a training program. It's a mystery school. I'm often asked if its a reader training, and sure yes, it will set you up to include Human Design in your business if that is the direction you are called: but why do we only allow ourselves to enrol in something for the title it gives us at the end? Isn't our enjoyment, growth and investing in what we love not the most valuable thing in the world? In my experience, the courses, trainings and degrees I signed up for to get a title or a certificate are not the ones that contributed to my success. 


One of the greatest pieces of advice I ever received was on a Restorative Retreat in Helena, Montana. The teacher asked us to put down our notebooks and for the love of god STOP being yoga teachers for the week ahead. Stop trying ‘get as much out of this as possible to take back home’ and instead just BE HERE. Just Be Here. Fill yourself all the way up without focusing on the end result and you give yourself AND everyone you come into contact with the greatest gift in the world. 


These words hit me. I listened. I put my notebook away. That was the week I softened enough to let human design in. 


And here we are. 


If the course interests you — please reach out. We are an intimate group of women from around the world. We have flexible payment plans avaliable and so much joy and expansion to share.


We start October 1st. I'm so excited to begin. 


Winter and Yangsheng 养生 with Alyssa of Sunseed Acupuncture


Creating Sacred Space with Sophie Jongejan