My Rest Journey

In many ways, I am the least likely candidate to be a teacher of Deep Rest. From the day I entered the world (a whole month early) I was determined, in a rush, disciplined to a fault. If I were not a born reader, I would hardly have spent a moment of my early life being still. I found myself teaching yoga full time at 25, just a month or two after completing my first teacher training. That same passion had me saying yes to every teaching opportunity, every class that came across my path, be it a 6am Monday slot, or the dreaded Thursday 7:45pm, I was there. No one had really heard of Restorative back then, but people continued to ask me to teach it. One of my first regular classes was a 7:30pm Friday Restorative, and no one who attended was under the age of 65.

For years I have been a teacher, but first and foremost, I am always, an annoyingly eager student. So I read, I asked questions, I practiced, I learned. I challenged myself to spend 20 minutes in a Restorative posture each day. At first it was torture, impossible. Sometimes it still is. But the shift I experienced introducing this practice into my life was profound. It shook me to my core, and in the most gentle way, it changed everything. I was young, too busy, too broke, still figuring everything out, but I announced to anyone who would listen (and immediately roll their eyes, or look at me with pity) “Everyone needs this. I’m going to rebrand Rest. I’m going to make it cool.”

My interest in Restorative Yoga pulled me all over the world. I’ve lived and breathed Rest for years. I retreated on a Ranch in Helena, Montana with a 70 year old roommate, a family of chipmunks, and lemon ice tea on tap. I studied in Austin Texas, where it rained, ceaselessly, for a week. Where I never felt warm unless I sipped black coffee from a thermos all day long and wore three pairs of socks. Where I burned vanilla sweetgrass incense at night and felt a remembering of something soft. I’ve studied with a sleep scientist turned Restorative Teacher and assisted the family Lasater on their trainings. I’ve taught my own trainings, retreats, workshops, mentorships and more group Restorative classes than anyone I know of. I’ve carted ikea bags full of blankets up and down too many studio stairs to count. I’ve had people hiss this isn’t yoga at me as they walk out the door, mid class, and many, many more tell me how deeply rest has changed their life, in truly surprising ways. How it opened up inner doors. How they experienced release, deeper sleep, creative insights and a sweeter acceptance of themselves.

I’ve taught online and in studios on busy, main roads. In studios with not enough props, in studios with not enough students, in studios with too many students. On retreats locally and halfway across the world, on retreats amid natural disasters, not once, but multiple times. I’ve witnessed how Rest can support us, and in the most gentle way possible, shake us to the core, despite all the odds.

This work is etched into my bones. Restorative Yoga in the style of the Daily Rest has been crafted through years of practice, study and observation. We take the framework of the restorative postures and sequencing and thread it with energy medicine, sound and inner work. We add philosophical and esoteric teachings. We commune with the stars, the seasons and herbs. This Restorative lens is not just a yoga class, or practice, but a way of seeing the world that infuses into every corner of your life. When we love, live and work in a restorative way there is true abundance, fertility and creativity. There is an unmistakeable feeling of being filled up, at ease, replenished, and more loving of your imperfect self.

It feels me with incredible joy, but also makes me giggle, when I remember that I am in the business of reminding myself, and therefore others, how to do less to receive and give back so, so much more.

Make sure to sign up for the newsletter to be the first to hear about the digital Deep Rest Immersion starting very soon. I cannot wait to see you there.


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