thank you, 2022

I want to talk about how 2022 has been one of the most wonderful years in memory, but I can’t do that without also pointing out the fact that 2021 was one of the worst.

I want to talk about how I spent Christmas this year quite comfortably talking business with my boyfriends uncles in a room full of people I had been introduced to only minutes before, but it doesn’t make sense without telling you how quiet my Christmas celebrations usually are, how painfully shy I used to be, how little confidence I had in my lack of a ‘real career’ and how I had dreamed of a big family and tables packed with homemade foods just like this since I was a little girl.

I want to talk endlessly about The Daily Rest Studio, how delighted and excited and surprised and in shock I am to have this become the main focus of my work: but it’s hard to understand, fully, without knowing the fear and the doubt, without knowing this was never actually the plan at all.

I also want to talk about how difficult it was for me to really see how wonderful this year has been, until I sat down on the solstice and listed everything out. Reading back what I had written down almost brought tears to my eyes, not because I was proud of the gold stars, but because I had almost let the year roll over focusing on what didn’t work, comparing against the successes that were louder, bigger, more impressive: the successes belonging to somebody else.

If I have any goals for 2023, it is to never let that happen again.

I want to talk about all of this, but it might take more words than anyone has the space to drink in.

I guess what I’m trying to say is: remind yourself of all that was beautiful about this year before it’s too late. Get out a notebook and a pen and just start writing all those tiny moments out.

And also: no matter how your year has been, no matter how few goals or plans you have going forward, it’s pretty safe to say, the best is still yet to come.

Sometimes the universe just needs a little space. Maybe even a breakdown or two, an identity crisis or a few months of uncertainty and confusion and stillness to usher the next layer of magic in.


Thank you, so much, for being here.

Thank you for reading these excessively long newsletters, for being a part of the studio or for not being interested in the studio at all but still reading along anyway.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me a sweet note this year, to everyone who joined me in this tiny corner of the digital world, to everyone who has inspired me to write and teach and create new classes and just keep going.

I’m more grateful than you know.

January in the studio we gather together to focus on Energetic Boundaries, a theme close to my heart and in my experience, something that looks and feels nothing like waving a crystal around your aura at the end of the day but instead, the ability to find steadiness within yourself: to not have your whole mood changed by the emotional energy of someone else.To trust your own inner knowing despite the questioning, the logic and the reasoning of what often feels like the rest of the world.

And most importantly: to navigate all of this self knowing and self trust while still remaining open, generous, curious and soft.

I look forward to exploring this in our monthly workshops and conversations, a powerful daily practice, classes and so much more as we move toward the studios first birthday in 2023 (!!!)

If I didn’t have my 2021, I would never have found my 2022.

The story always makes sense, in retrospect.

I’m so excited to see what comes next.

Emmie xo


Rest for Manifestors


Notes on December